Spy x Family Season 1 Episode 20: Operation Strix English Dub

Watch Spy x Family Season 1 Episode 20 English Dub






Anya has to write a report on a profession she is interested in, so she ends up going to Lloyd’s place of work, the Berlin General Hospital. Once Loid was out of sight, Anya started exploring!


Anya becomes very interested in deciphering codes after seeing it in her spy cartoon, so she creates her own code and sends secret messages to Lloyd and the others. They manage to crack the codes.



Henry Henderson instructs children to research occupations they are interested in for their upcoming social studies project. He suggests various methods, such as interviewing parents about their jobs, asking around at a local business, getting parents to arrange an interview with a prominent figure in their field, or even asking yourself about educators. He adds that everyone will prepare a report on their chosen profession and present it to the class on Friday. Becky Blackbell decides to choose her father’s company and asks Anya Forger about her choice. In the back, Emile Elman asks Damian Desmond if he will interview his father, to which Damian says yes, if he can get hold of him.
Anya goes home to pick Yor for a job investigation. Anya explains that she has to ask how someone got a job and why they chose it, and watch them work. While Yor is confused about what job to talk about, she imagines bringing Anya to her secret job as an assassin, with Anya dressed in an assassin outfit similar to Yor’s. Yor explains that she originally took the job to take care of Yuri, but now she does it with pride, as the merchant says it’s a noble profession and should be proud like any soldier who dedicates his life to his country.
The phone rings as the merchant calls Yor with a mission. Yor looks at a document with a photo and details of her latest “customer” and calls him a treacherous scumbag, but doesn’t tell Anya the list of his deeds. Yor runs to meet her newest customer and tells Anya to keep up with her. Yor explains that “The Shop” analyzes the target’s abilities and defenses, so all it needs to do is finish the job. She adds that she should kill on sight, but killing the wrong person would be out of the question, so she studies the photo carefully. Yor declares that she is not spreading because she should not be ashamed.
As Yor expertly disables several guards, Yor makes it clear that she feels the job is rewarding because she feels like she’s digging in and doing her part to clean up the land, which encourages her to think of all the lives saved by her work. . Yor explains that proper body and skill development along with a good understanding of human anatomy is important in this field. He reminds Anya to always remember that the target is a human being who deserves a painless death as he politely asks the target for the honor of taking his life, demonstrating and explaining several methods of killing the target quickly and splattering Anya liberally with blood. Seeing Anya covered in blood, Yor tells Loid that they were at the tomato festival.
Back in reality, Anya stares at Yoro and decides to report on Lloyd’s work instead, having read Yoro’s imagination. Yor agrees because her job at City Hall can be a bit boring. When Loid returns home, Anya explains her task and Loid agrees to help.
Two days later, Loid brings Anya, dressed as a detective, to Berlin General Hospital, where she works in the psychiatric ward. Anya is amazed at the size of the hospital. Loid comments that it is the capital’s most important hospital. Anya overhears Loid’s thoughts that the private practice could have been created for an easier cover story, but Loid chooses to work there as it provides opportunities to steal information and make connections as there are many high profile figures in politics, industry and the military. using the hospital. Anya quickly jots down Lloyd’s thoughts in her notebook, much to his confusion. Loid asks Anya why she dressed as a detective, and she says that’s how investigators dress.


Henry Henderson instructs children to research occupations that interest them for their upcoming social studies project. She suggests various methods, such as asking parents about their jobs, asking around at a local business, getting parents to arrange an interview with a prominent figure in their field, or even asking yourself about educators. He adds that everyone will prepare a report on their chosen profession and present it to the class on Friday. Becky Blackbell decides to choose her father’s company and asks Anya Forger about her choice. In the back, Emile Elman asks Damian Desmond if he will interview his father, to which Damian says yes if he can get hold of him.
Anya goes home to pick Yor up for a job investigation. Anya explains that they have to ask how someone got a job and why they chose it, and watch them work. While Yor is confused about what job to talk about, he imagines bringing Anya to his secret job as an assassin, with Anya dressed in an assassin outfit similar to Yor’s. Yor explains that she originally took the job to take care of Yuri, but now she does it with pride because the merchant says it’s a noble profession and he should be proud like any soldier who dedicates his life to his country.
The phone rings as the merchant calls Yor with a mission. Yor looks at a document with a photo and details of her latest “customer” and calls him a treacherous scumbag, but won’t reveal the list of his deeds to Anya. Yor runs to meet her newest customer and tells Anya to keep up with her. Yor explains that “The Shop” analyzes the target’s abilities and defenses so all they have to do is get the job done. She adds that she should kill on sight, but killing the wrong person would be out of the question, so she studies the photo carefully. Yor declares that she is not spreading because she should not be ashamed.
As Yor expertly takes out several guards, Yor makes it clear that she feels the job is rewarding, as she feels like she’s digging in and doing her part to clean up the land, which encourages her to think of all the lives that her work saved her. . Yor explains that proper body and skill development along with a good understanding of human anatomy is important in this area. He reminds Anya to always remember that the target is a human being who deserves a painless death as he politely asks the target for the honor of taking his own life, demonstrating and explaining several methods to quickly kill the target and cover Anya in blood profusely. Seeing Anya covered in blood, Yor tells Loid that they were at a tomato festival.
Back in reality, Anya glares at Yor and decides to report on Lloyd’s work instead, having read Yor’s imagination. Yor agrees because her job at City Hall can be a bit boring. When Loid returns home, Anya explains her task and Loid agrees to help.
Two days later, Loid brings Anya, dressed as a detective, to the Berlin General Hospital, where she works in the psychiatric ward. Anya is amazed at the size of the hospital. Loid comments that it is the capital’s most important hospital. Anya overhears Loid’s thoughts that the private practice could have been created for an easier cover story, but Loid chooses to work there as it provides opportunities to steal information and make connections as there are many high profile figures in politics, industry and the military. using the hospital. Anya quickly records Lloyd’s thoughts in her notebook, much to his confusion. Loid asks Anya why she dressed as a detective and she says that’s how investigators dress.
Back in the room, Anya pulls a lever hidden in a shelf to reveal a ladder leading below the room. Anya investigates the escape route, squeezing past a tight passage before hearing a voice from the vent. Below, several men have a meeting about the neuroscience behind paranormal perception. Excited about the ghosts, Anya lies down to listen, only to stumble upon a metal pipe. The men are confused by the sudden noise, but nervously dismiss it. Anya then remembers that she has to get back before Loid does. However, she realizes her foot is stuck under the pipe and tries to get out. The men mistake Anya’s fighting noises for a ghost, which frightens them. Anya releases her leg and quickly hurries back. Men choose to keep an open mind when patients talk about ghosts.
Anya returns just in time to hear Lloyd’s thoughts as he returns. He does a quick thing on the sand table before entering. Loid analyzes her sand table to observe her subconscious, but is shocked to find that her sand table is complete chaos. Loid believes that Anya is subconsciously stressed by her recent adoption, blaming herself for failing as a parent and a spy, and decides she needs immediate care. Anya tries to explain that she just mixed it all up, but blushes in embarrassment at Lloyd’s conclusions. Loid suggests they buy the new Spy Wars on the way home and offers to work on the report together. He takes her notebook to read, causing Anya to panic as she writes about his spy work. However, Anya’s writing is unintelligible, so Anya says that she will work on the report herself, and Loid praises her. When they get home, Yor asks if Anya has seen Loid perform shock therapy, describing how he punches, kicks and sweeps the legs of his patients, and Loid desperately tries to explain to Yor that it’s only for extreme circumstances.
On Friday, Anya will read her report to the class. While initially introducing Loid’s regular activities as a psychiatrist, Anya mentions aspects of his spy work and even how Loid sometimes punches and kicks his patients, shocking Henry. At a briefing with Handler, Loid becomes shaky and is later called into the school, where he manages to solve problems with his ambiguous powers.


Anya, inspired by a scene from Spy Wars, decides to create a top secret code for the meeting. However, Loid points out that Anya’s terrible handwriting will make the code unreadable, let alone solved. After Loid leaves for work, Anya gets Yor to help write several copies of her secret code. Anya gives the pages to Bond, the neighbors and then Franky, who refuses to reveal their contents. The next day at school, Anya gives Becky her code, but gets upset when Anya refuses to say anything. She then hands the copy to Damian, who quickly crumples it up and throws it away in exasperation. Later that night, Anya sets her alarm for an hour before the meeting and has a dream that someone will show up after cracking the code.
Meanwhile, Franky returns home and remembers the code Anya gave him. When Franky notices the nice handwriting and the smell of the paper, he assumes it’s a love letter from a beautiful woman. The next day, Franky arrives early for a meeting, dressed in a suit and tie and carrying a bouquet of roses. While Franky successfully cracked the code, he stayed up all night with excitement. As he waits, he begins to wonder who the mysterious woman could be. At the Forgers’ house, Anya sleeps through her ringing alarm clock, which Bond immediately turns off.

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