Spy x Family Season 1 Episode 13: Operation Strix English Dub

Watch Spy x Family Season 1 Episode 13 English Dub





The counterfeiters go looking for the dog for Anya’s reward for getting Stella. In the middle of their trip, Loid ends up having to work on a mission to stop a terrorist bombing planned against Westalis’ Secretary of State. Meanwhile, Anya tries to choose a dog, but then sees a vision of her family when she accidentally reads the mind of a giant, mysterious, white dog. Anya becomes curious and chases after the dog, but ends up accidentally wandering into a terrorist hideout.


A group of men drag the dog cages one by one into the van before the man closes the door and prepares to flee.
Soon after, the news broadcasts the arrival of Minister Brantz from Westalis to Ostania to hold a summit between the two countries.
The Forger family eats breakfast and Anya rushes to finish it, encouraging Loid and Yor to hurry up as well. Later, the three walk to Kemono Park, the local pet store, to find Anya the dog as a reward for getting Stella’s star at school.
Loid wants a guard dog for security, but Anya disagrees with the ones she sees, saying they look scary and rough. The merchant suggests that he stop by the adoption center for a pet adoption event going on, but it appears that the WISE contact will hand over a new mission. Loid pretends to have stomach issues and apologizes while Yor and Anya continue to the adoption center.
On the way to WISE headquarters, Loid learns that there is a conspiracy to assassinate Minister Brantz, organized by a contingent of students from Berlint University. WISE managed to detain one of them, but the detained Kris did not answer the questioning. Moments later, at WISE headquarters, Sylvia Sherwood informs him that WISE has successfully captured their leader, Keith Kepler, and that he is no longer of any use to them. Meeting in the hallway, Keith sets up Kris as the leader of the plan and urges Kris to finally reveal the whereabouts of his buddies. During the interrogation, it was revealed that Loid had been disguised as Keith the whole time.
Inside the room, Keith and his friends discuss the assassination plan. He hopes that the assassination of Minister Brantz will spark a war between the two countries and restore Ostania’s supremacy and glory over Westalis. Anya listens just outside the door, but is caught by one of Keith’s underlings, Kurt. When her presence is announced, Keith steps in to kill her, but is saved by a white dog that interrupts the scene.
Back at the adoption center, Yor wanders around worried when he realizes that Anya has disappeared. After concluding that she is no longer in the building, she speculates that Anya was either eaten by a dog or kidnapped and forced into marriage.
WISE raided two locations that Kris claimed were their hideouts, but came up empty-handed. Loid finds a lead at a car rental company that was using the name of one of Keith’s friends and relays the information to Sylvia. At the same time, Sylvia informs him of Project Apple, a long-abandoned experiment run by Ostania to artificially breed highly intelligent animals for military gain, and its possible connection to Keith’s acquisition of dogs to be used in the assassination of Minister Brantz. .
Back at the warehouse, the dog gives Anya another vision about Keith and company, which is interrupted by an incoming phone call. When the phone rings, Anya is dragged away by the dog and they run out of the building together. Before realizing that Anya and the dog have fled the scene, the group is informed that two of their hideouts have recently been raided. They then chase Anya who is riding the dog on her way out of the building. While escaping, Anya realizes that the dog can predict the future and has special powers like her. Yor hears Anya’s voice and goes after her.
As Keith and his subordinates plan to evacuate the hideout, Keith orders Kurt to hire another dog to replace the escapee. Anya orders the dog to head to the police station, but they run into Keith and Kurt after walking in circles. They are cornered and Kurt is ordered to kill Anya, but Yor arrives just in time to save her. Assuming that Anya was kidnapped with the intention of entering into a forced marriage, Yor prepares to exact revenge on Keith.

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