Spy x Family Season 1 Episode 14: Operation Strix English Dub

Watch Spy x Family Season 1 Episode 14 English Dub





Anya meets a mysterious dog who can see into the future. With the help of a dog, they manage to escape from the terrorists, but eventually fall into the hands of the terrorists again. And then Yor appears and attacks the enemy! Soon after, the dog can see into the future again. The vision Anya saw in the dog’s mind was Loid unconscious and buried under the remains of a building that had been bombed. To prevent this future, Anya and the dog head to the place where the incident happened.


Keith Kepler is stunned after Yor Forger defeats Kurt and orders the German Shepherd to kill her. The dog growls at Yor, who does the same, scaring him and Anya Forger. After the dog escapes, onlookers gather around the alley and Keith decides to run. He tries to drag the white dog with him, which refuses to budge, so Keith kicks him and runs away. Yor is about to give chase, but stays with Anya to ask what happened. Anya explains the bomb dog plot and how the white dog saved her. After Yor searches the dog for explosives, Anya apologizes for running away. Happy that Anya is safe, Yor decides to report the incident to the police and asks Anya what she remembers.
As Yor calls, Anya sees the dog looking into the future and reads its thoughts. He witnesses the first vision that changes with Loid Forger disappearing. He then sees another premonition where the clock tower rings, followed by an explosion in the city that kills Lloyd. Then a news broadcast announces that the terrorists have succeeded in their assassination plot, and war must ensue. Anya is shocked by this and wonders what to do. She thinks about telling Yor, but doesn’t want to reveal her or her dog powers. Anya decides to run away with the dog to save Loid. He tells Yor that he needs to get Loid toilet paper before rushing off. Yor ends the call and runs after her.
Yor’s message reaches WISE and Handler, who use the information to capture the remaining members, except for Keith, who sees this and decides to carry out the assassination himself. WISE agents attempt to question the members about Keith’s location and the location of the bombs, but they refuse to answer. Handler enters the room to question the students. One of them says they want a war to wipe out Westalis and for Ostan supremacy, and Handler responds with a kick to the face. He chastises the students for their ignorance and points a gun at one of them, asking if they have learned anything about war at their university.
Elsewhere, Keith attaches a bomb to a German Shepherd and tells him to go after Minister Brantz. Keith now believes his Plan B positions are compromised, the clock tower will be swarming with security. However, he decides to use this to his advantage to lure them into a trap and eliminate them. How it happens. Handler sends WISE agents to each of the four potential locations they have for Keith, with Twilight and two other agents heading for position B1, which is by the clock tower. After Handler gives the orders, Twilight agrees with her opinion on the war and says he’s done with it. Meanwhile, Anya and the white dog rush to the clock tower to get there before Loid and save his life.
Anya and the dog arrive at the square with the clock tower, where Anya tries to figure out when the explosion will happen. Anya tries to remember the position of the clock hands in the vision, but realizes that she can’t tell the time. He asks a man nearby when the bell on the clock tower will ring, and he says it will be less than 30 minutes. The dog picks up Keith’s scent and pulls Anya around the corner to hide. The German Shepherd smells them and spots them, but doesn’t alert Keith. Before driving off, Keith thinks about how he hopes the bomb he planted works and rationalizes the potential victims as honorable sacrifices for his cause. Hearing this, Anya and the dog rush to the bomb that is located in the room. Anya reaches for the handle, but the dog barks at her to stop, reminding her that opening it will trigger an explosion. Anya climbs through the small window by the door and prepares to disarm the bomb. When she does, she realizes it’s nothing like her cartoons because all the wires are black. She notices the ketchup on the table and decides to use it to leave a bomb warning for Lloyd to find before leaving.
When Twilight and the other agents arrive, they are confused by the warning. The senior agent decides to ignore the message and reaches for the doorknob. Anya anxiously waits outside, hoping Loid got her message. The time of the explosion arrives and the premonition of the white dog returns to the future with Loid alive and well. Back inside, Twilight stops the agent from opening the door as she is wary of the message. He uses a glass shard to peer through the window and sees a bomb. They wonder who left the message, but decide to leave it to State Security, who have also learned of this hideout and are on their way. He changes plans and heads to where Minister Brantz is because Keith could attack him directly.
At Brantz’s place, he is informed by his secretary that he will be expected in the reception hall soon and that there is a contingent from the Ostania Foreign Ministry to escort him. He complains that he can’t go anywhere in this country without the state watching him, and how WISE is useless if he didn’t take care of the terrorists. As he says this, a WISE agent enters the room.
Later, Brantz leaves the building and is greeted by Yuri Briar, who says that his car will lead the escort. After Yuri leaves, Brantz drives off alone to everyone’s shock. Keith watches from a distance and gives chase. Meanwhile, the real Brantz is still inside the building with his secretary. Before that, Twilight came to take his clothes as part of his disguise. Brantz complains about the “ambush” to Handler, who explains that they needed it to lure the enemy.
Twilight does a few turns, confusing Keith by driving in circles. Two other WISE agents follow close behind and provide information on Keith. Loid heads to the river, which Keith appreciates because it’s away from the crowds. The agents catch up to Keith and start shooting at him. However, Keith crashes his car into theirs before throwing a stick hand grenade at them, knocking them over. Agent WISE warns Twilight that Keith still has explosives and is getting in his way.
Keith catches up to the minister’s car and sees it abandoned. He then sees Twilight running and sends a German Shepherd after him. Loid pulls out his gun to shoot the dog, but the dog moves too fast to fire. Twilight runs on and uses parkour to get over the wall. Keith is shocked by his move as the real Brantz is 60 years old. The dog continues to chase Twilight and they end up in an alley. Twilight pulls out a gun and takes off her mask, saying it’s time to end it.

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